Linda Didsbury has been on the road to self discovery for over 20 years and that road has lead back to her first passion, horses. As a child she would watch any film that had horses in it and drove her parents crazy asking for a horse. On Linda's 15th birthday her parents finally caved and bought her first horse who stayed in her life for 18 years.
Linda always had a desire to work with people. From high school, she attended Georgian College where she graduated from the Developmental Service Worker program. Linda has worked with the special needs population for over 30 years. She has worked in institutional, residential and educational settings counseling and supporting individuals.
Linda's greatest success however, has been to overcome the adversities in her life. She has traveled the road to recovery of an addiction and worked with many professionals to heal both herself and her family. Linda has learned so much from these knowledgeable people and is grateful for all they have taught her. Linda will tell you however, that the most meaningful part of her journey is that of the spirit. Her willingness to be open minded and interest in exploring new things has changed her view of the world. She has participated in Bible studies, crystal healing, yoga retreats and sweat lodges to name a few. Linda believes that until she experiences something, an opinion cannot be formed.
The newest discovery in Linda's life has brought her back to her first and strongest passion. In March of 2014, while searching for a new direction for her life as her children had left the nest and the systems she worked in no longer made sense to her, Linda found the “FEEL” program. OMG! To experience and learn from horses. To actually feel, to learn about our authentic self through our senses. Now that made sense to her.
In June, 2014 Linda enrolled in the Facilitated Equine Experiential Learning (FEEL) program at Horse Spirit Connections. After completing and graduating from this intensive program, Linda started Kindred Horse Spirits to offer healing and self discovery with the incredible horses in her stewardship. These horses invite you to connect with them as Linda assists you in interpreting and understanding their messages.